As I drift off to sleep, I let go of any fears or anxieties

As I drift off to sleep, I let go of any fears or anxieties

As I drift off to sleep, I let go of any fears or anxieties

As you lay in bed, ready to drift off to sleep, your mind may start to race with worries and anxieties. It can be difficult to quiet these thoughts and allow yourself to fully relax. However, it is important to remember that you have the power to let go of these fears and anxieties.

One way to do this is by using the affirmation "As I drift off to sleep, I let go of any fears or anxieties". By repeating this statement to yourself, you are reminding your mind to release any negative thoughts and emotions that may be holding you back.

It can be helpful to take a few deep breaths and visualize yourself letting go of these fears and anxieties. Imagine them floating away from you, leaving you feeling light and free. You may also want to focus on positive thoughts or memories to help calm your mind and promote relaxation.

Remember, it is okay to have worries and fears, but it is important to not let them consume you. By using this affirmation, you are taking control of your thoughts and emotions, and allowing yourself to fully relax and recharge for the next day.

So, as you lay in bed tonight, repeat to yourself "As I drift off to sleep, I let go of any fears or anxieties". Allow yourself to fully let go and embrace a peaceful and restful night's sleep.
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