Every night, I am guided by the guardian angels of rest

Every night, I am guided by the guardian angels of rest

Every night, I am guided by the guardian angels of rest

Every night, as you lay down in your bed, you can find comfort in knowing that you are guided by the guardian angels of rest. These celestial beings are there with you, willingly and lovingly watching over you as you enter the realm of dreams.

When the day comes to an end and you feel the weight of weariness settle upon your shoulders, the guardian angels of rest gently come to your side. They wrap you in their warm embrace, offering you solace and respite from the challenges of the day. With their presence, they assure you that you are safe and protected throughout the night.

As darkness blankets the world, these benevolent beings tirelessly accompany you on your journey into slumber. They guide your mind into a state of tranquility, soothing any anxious thoughts or worries that may arise. With their gentle touch, they lull you into a deep and restful sleep, allowing your body and soul to mend and rejuvenate.
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