I am connected to a power greater than myself

I am connected to a power greater than myself

I am connected to a power greater than myself

You are connected to a power greater than yourself. This power is beyond your understanding and control. It encompasses the entire universe and everything in it. When you acknowledge and affirm this connection, you are opening yourself up to a source of strength and guidance that is limitless.

The power that you are connected to is not limited by human constraints or limitations. It is a force that exists beyond time and space, beyond the physical realm. It is a power that has the ability to guide you, protect you, and support you in ways that you cannot even begin to fathom.

When you truly embrace the affirmation that you are connected to a power greater than yourself, you are acknowledging that there is something bigger than you in this world. You are acknowledging that there is a force at work that extends far beyond your individual existence.

This power is not something that you can touch or see, but it is something that you can feel and experience. It is a presence that is always with you, guiding you on your journey through life.

When you fully believe in this affirmation, you are opening yourself up to receiving the wisdom and guidance that this power has to offer. You are allowing yourself to be guided by something greater than yourself, and in doing so, you are opening yourself up to the infinite possibilities that life has to offer.

Remember, you are connected to a power greater than yourself. Embrace this affirmation and allow yourself to be guided by the wisdom and strength that this power has to offer. Trust in the process and know that you are never alone on this journey called life.
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