I am connected to an endless source of love

I am connected to an endless source of love

I am connected to an endless source of love

You are connected to an endless source of love. Love is all around you, flowing through every aspect of your life. It is not something you need to search for, for it already exists within you and in the world around you. Love is an infinite energy that fuels your heart and soul.

When you affirm, "I am connected to an endless source of love," you acknowledge that love flows through you effortlessly. It is not dependant on external factors or the presence of others. Love is a state of being that you carry within yourself at all times.

By recognizing this connection to an endless source of love, you begin to view life from a place of abundance. Love becomes your guiding light, influencing the way you perceive and interact with the world. It radiates outwards, touching the lives of those around you.

When faced with challenges or hardships, you can tap into this infinite source of love. It empowers you to approach every situation with love and compassion. Love becomes a powerful force that transforms your experiences, allowing you to navigate through life's ups and downs with grace and resilience.

Rather than seeking external validation, you understand that you are already complete and worthy of love. This realization enables you to cultivate self-love and acceptance, fostering a positive relationship with yourself.

When you embody the belief that you are connected to an endless source of love, you attract love in all its forms. Your relationships become richer and more fulfilling. Love becomes the foundation that supports your connections, deepening the bonds you share with others.

Remember, love is not something you need to earn or acquire. It is always accessible to you, flowing abundantly. Embrace the affirmation, "I am connected to an endless source of love," and let this truth guide your life with love, kindness, and gratitude.
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