I am connected to the divine intelligence that guides me on my journey

I am connected to the divine intelligence that guides me on my journey

I am connected to the divine intelligence that guides me on my journey

The affirmation "I am connected to the divine intelligence that guides me on my journey" can help you feel more connected to the universe and the higher power that guides us all. When you repeat this affirmation to yourself, you are acknowledging that there is a force greater than yourself that is guiding you on your journey through life.

This affirmation can be particularly helpful when you are feeling lost or uncertain about your path in life. By reminding yourself that you are connected to a higher power, you can find comfort in the knowledge that you are not alone and that there is a plan for your life.

When you repeat this affirmation, you are also opening yourself up to the guidance and wisdom of the universe. By acknowledging that you are connected to the divine intelligence, you are inviting this force into your life and allowing it to guide you on your journey.

It's important to remember that this affirmation is not about giving up control of your life or relying solely on external forces to guide you. Rather, it's about recognizing that there is a greater plan for your life and that you are a part of something much bigger than yourself.

When you repeat this affirmation, you are also reminding yourself that you are worthy of love and guidance. You are acknowledging that you are a valuable and important part of the universe, and that you have a purpose in life.

Overall, the affirmation "I am connected to the divine intelligence that guides me on my journey" is a powerful tool that can help you feel more connected to the universe and the higher power that guides us all. By repeating this affirmation to yourself regularly, you can find comfort, guidance, and wisdom as you navigate your way through life.
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