I am deserving of every kind gesture I show myself

I am deserving of every kind gesture I show myself

I am deserving of every kind gesture I show myself

I am deserving of every kind gesture I show myself. It's important to remember this and to treat ourselves with love and compassion. It can be so easy to focus on taking care of others and neglect our own well-being. But, in order to truly be of help to others, we must first start by being kind to ourselves.

Sometimes, we may feel guilty or selfish for putting ourselves first, for taking that much-needed break or doing something enjoyable just for ourselves. But, it's essential to understand that self-care is not selfish. It is necessary for our overall happiness and well-being. When we take care of ourselves, we are better equipped to take care of others. We have more energy, more love to give, and a greater capacity for compassion.

Think about it. When you show kindness and compassion to yourself, it's like filling up your own cup. You are nurturing your own spirit, replenishing your energy, and boosting your self-confidence. By doing so, you are able to pour from that cup and share your love and kindness with others.

Just imagine if you were constantly running on empty, always giving and never replenishing. Eventually, you would burn out, become exhausted, and unable to continue being there for others. But, by consciously showing yourself kind gestures and taking care of your own needs, you are refueling and ensuring that you have enough to give to others.

It can be as simple as giving yourself permission to take a break when you need it. Maybe you've been working tirelessly on a project and need some time to relax and recharge. Or, perhaps, you've had a long day and need to practice some self-care by taking a soothing bath or reading a good book. These small acts of kindness towards yourself are not only deserved but essential.

Remember, you are worthy of love and compassion, and you deserve to treat yourself with kindness. Don't wait for someone else to show you that you are deserving. Instead, give that love and care to yourself. Embrace the fact that you are deserving of every kind gesture you show yourself.

So, the next time you find yourself neglecting your own needs, remind yourself of this affirmation. Repeat it to yourself, write it down, or say it out loud. Let it serve as a reminder of your own worthiness and deservingness of kindness. And then, go ahead and show yourself love, compassion, and kindness. You deserve it.
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