I am open to receiving love and support from my friends, knowing that I am deserving of it

I am open to receiving love and support from my friends, knowing that I am deserving of it

I am open to receiving love and support from my friends, knowing that I am deserving of it

It's easy to feel like you're alone in the world, especially when things aren't going your way. But the truth is, you have people in your life who care about you and want to support you. Sometimes, all you have to do is ask.

That's why it's important to remind yourself that you are deserving of love and support from your friends. Repeat this affirmation to yourself: "I am open to receiving love and support from my friends, knowing that I am deserving of it".

It can be hard to believe this at first, especially if you struggle with low self-esteem or have been hurt in the past. But the more you repeat this affirmation, the more you'll start to believe it.

When you're feeling down, reach out to your friends. Let them know what's going on and ask for their support. It's okay to be vulnerable and ask for help. Your friends will likely be happy to be there for you.

Remember, you don't have to go through life alone. You have people who care about you and want to see you succeed. Repeat this affirmation to yourself often and allow yourself to receive the love and support you deserve.
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