I am present and attentive when others are talking to me

I am present and attentive when others are talking to me

I am present and attentive when others are talking to me

When someone is talking to you, it's important to be present and attentive. This means giving them your full attention and actively listening to what they have to say. It's easy to get distracted or let your mind wander, but by being present and attentive, you show the other person that you value their words and their time.

When you are present and attentive, you are fully engaged in the conversation. You are not thinking about what you're going to say next or checking your phone. Instead, you are focused on the other person and what they are saying. This allows you to pick up on subtle cues and nuances in their speech, which can help you better understand their perspective.

Being present and attentive also shows that you respect the other person. By giving them your full attention, you are acknowledging their importance and showing that you care about what they have to say. This can help build trust and strengthen your relationship with them.

To practice being present and attentive, try to eliminate distractions when you're having a conversation. Put your phone away, turn off the TV, and focus solely on the other person. Make eye contact and nod your head to show that you're listening. Ask questions and repeat back what they've said to ensure that you understand their point of view.

By affirming that "I am present and attentive when others are talking to me" you are setting an intention to be fully engaged in your conversations. This affirmation can help you stay focused and present, even when your mind starts to wander. It can also remind you of the importance of active listening and the value of showing respect to others.
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