I am protected and guided by healing angels

I am protected and guided by healing angels

I am protected and guided by healing angels

I want you to take a moment and think about something. Imagine feeling safe and secure, knowing that you are always protected and guided by healing angels. How would that make you feel? It's a comforting thought, isn't it? What if I told you that this affirmation is not just wishful thinking, but a reality that you can tap into?

Angels have long been depicted as heavenly beings who intervene in our lives to protect and guide us. Though we can't physically see them, their presence is believed to be constant. These angels are like healers, offering us their divine support and ensuring that we are never alone in our journey.

When you repeat the affirmation "I am protected and guided by healing angels", you are affirming your connection to these celestial beings. You are acknowledging their presence in your life and inviting their assistance. By doing this, you are opening yourself up to a higher level of consciousness and inviting positive energies to surround you.

But how exactly do these healing angels protect and guide you? Well, their protection can take many forms. They can create a shield of love and light around you, warding off any negative energies that may try to harm you. When you are feeling fearful or anxious, they can help you find your inner strength and courage. These angels also guide you by gently nudging you towards the path that is most aligned with your purpose and highest good. They can inspire you with ideas and intuition, helping you make decisions that lead to your personal growth and well-being.

It's important to remember that these healing angels are not here to solve all your problems or make your life perfect. They are here to support you on your journey and empower you to take charge of your own life. They offer their guidance when you ask for it, and it's up to you to listen and trust the messages they send your way.

So, how can you cultivate a connection with these healing angels? Well, it starts with belief and intention. Believe in their existence and their desire to help you. Set the intention to invite their presence into your life. You can do this by simply saying the affirmation "I am protected and guided by healing angels" with heartfelt conviction. Repeat it daily, either silently or out loud, and visualize yourself surrounded by their loving presence.

Remember, you are never alone on your journey. You are always protected and guided by healing angels. When you trust in their presence and invite their assistance, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities and unlock the potential for healing and growth. So, embrace this affirmation, and know that the healing angels are with you every step of the way.
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