I am surrounded by calming energies

I am surrounded by calming energies

I am surrounded by calming energies

When you say the affirmation, "I am surrounded by calming energies," you are consciously reminding yourself of the peaceful and soothing atmosphere that surrounds you. It is about acknowledging that positivity envelops your environment, allowing you to feel relaxed and at ease.

Visualize yourself in a space filled with tranquility. Imagine being in a serene nature scene, perhaps a peaceful beach or a secluded forest. Picture the gentle breeze brushing against your skin, creating a sense of calmness that permeates every inch of your being. The soft sounds of nature, like birds chirping or waves crashing, help you to feel grounded and at peace.

As you go about your day, remember that the energy around you is uplifting and soothing. Whether you are at work, home, or even in a crowded place, this affirmation acts as a reminder that the calming energies are always present. Allow yourself to fully embrace this harmonious atmosphere and let go of any stress or tension that may arise.

Sometimes, external factors may challenge your sense of calmness, but remember, you have the power to protect your peace of mind. By believing in the affirmation and trusting in the calming energies that surround you, you will find yourself better equipped to handle any situation with grace and tranquility.

Repeat the affirmation to yourself whenever you feel overwhelmed or anxious. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and allow the soothing energies to wash over you. Trust in the universe and its ability to provide you with a sense of serenity.

Remember, the power of your mind is strong, and by affirming, "I am surrounded by calming energies," you are attracting and manifesting the peacefulness you desire. Take comfort in knowing that tranquility is always within your reach.
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