I am the source of my self-esteem and trust in my abilities

I am the source of my self-esteem and trust in my abilities

I am the source of my self-esteem and trust in my abilities

It's easy to fall into the trap of seeking validation and approval from others. We often look to external sources to boost our self-esteem and trust in our abilities. However, the truth is that the only person who can truly provide us with these things is ourselves. This is where the affirmation "I am the source of my self-esteem and trust in my abilities" comes in.

When you rely on others to validate your worth, you give away your power. You become dependent on their opinions and judgments, which can be fickle and unreliable. On the other hand, when you recognize that you are the source of your own self-esteem and trust in your abilities, you take back control. You become the master of your own destiny.

This affirmation is not about being arrogant or egotistical. It's about recognizing your own worth and potential. It's about acknowledging that you have the ability to achieve great things and that you don't need anyone else's permission to do so.

When you believe in yourself, you radiate confidence and positivity. You attract opportunities and people who support and encourage you. You become a magnet for success.

Of course, it's not always easy to maintain a strong sense of self-esteem and trust in your abilities. Life can throw us curveballs, and we may face setbacks and failures. But even in these moments, it's important to remember that you are still the source of your own self-esteem and trust in your abilities. You have the power to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep moving forward.

So the next time you find yourself seeking validation from others, remember this affirmation: "I am the source of my self-esteem and trust in my abilities". Repeat it to yourself until it becomes second nature. Believe in yourself, and watch as the world opens up to you.
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