I choose to let go of the need for external validation and trust in myself

I choose to let go of the need for external validation and trust in myself

I choose to let go of the need for external validation and trust in myself

The affirmation "I choose to let go of the need for external validation and trust in myself" can help you break free from the cycle of seeking approval from others. It's natural to want to be liked and accepted by those around you, but when you rely too heavily on external validation, you can lose sight of your own values and beliefs. This can lead to feelings of insecurity, anxiety, and self-doubt.

When you choose to let go of the need for external validation, you are taking a step towards trusting in yourself. This means that you are confident in your own abilities and decisions, and you don't need others to validate your choices. Trusting in yourself can be difficult, especially if you've spent a lot of time seeking approval from others. But it's an important step towards living a more fulfilling and authentic life.

Trusting in yourself means that you are willing to take risks and make mistakes. You understand that failure is a natural part of the learning process, and you don't let it hold you back. When you trust in yourself, you are more likely to pursue your passions and take on new challenges. You don't let fear or self-doubt hold you back.

Letting go of the need for external validation can also help you build stronger relationships with others. When you are confident in yourself, you don't need others to validate your worth. This means that you can form deeper connections with those around you, based on mutual respect and understanding. You don't need to constantly seek approval from others, because you know that your own opinion is just as valid.

Trusting in yourself can also help you set boundaries and make decisions that are in line with your values. When you rely too heavily on external validation, you may find yourself compromising your own beliefs in order to please others. But when you trust in yourself, you are more likely to stand up for what you believe in, even if it's not the popular opinion.
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