I give myself permission to rest fully and completely

I give myself permission to rest fully and completely

I give myself permission to rest fully and completely

Do you ever feel like you're constantly on the go, always pushing yourself to do more and be more? It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, but it's important to remember that rest is just as important as productivity. That's why the affirmation "I give myself permission to rest fully and completely" is so powerful.

When you give yourself permission to rest, you're acknowledging that you deserve a break. You're recognizing that you can't be at your best if you're constantly running on empty. Rest allows you to recharge your batteries, both physically and mentally. It gives you the energy and clarity you need to tackle whatever challenges come your way.

But giving yourself permission to rest isn't always easy. We live in a society that values productivity above all else. We're taught that we should always be working, always be striving for more. Rest is often seen as a luxury, something that we can only indulge in once we've accomplished everything on our to-do list.

But the truth is, rest is a necessity, not a luxury. It's not something that you should only allow yourself once you've earned it. Rest is something that you need in order to be your best self. It's something that you should prioritize, not just when you're feeling burnt out, but as a regular part of your self-care routine.

So the next time you're feeling overwhelmed or exhausted, remember the affirmation "I give myself permission to rest fully and completely". Repeat it to yourself as often as you need to. And then take the time to rest, guilt-free. Whether that means taking a nap, going for a walk, or simply sitting quietly with a cup of tea, give yourself the gift of rest. You deserve it.
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