I release the need to seek external validation and find contentment in my own self-approval

I release the need to seek external validation and find contentment in my own self-approval

I release the need to seek external validation and find contentment in my own self-approval

The affirmation "I release the need to seek external validation and find contentment in my own self-approval" can help you break free from the cycle of seeking validation from others. It's easy to fall into the trap of seeking approval from others, whether it's from friends, family, or even strangers on social media. However, this can be a dangerous cycle that can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

When you constantly seek validation from others, you're essentially giving away your power and allowing others to dictate how you feel about yourself. This can be a slippery slope, as you may find yourself constantly seeking approval and never feeling truly satisfied with yourself.

By releasing the need to seek external validation, you're taking back your power and finding contentment in your own self-approval. This means that you're no longer relying on others to validate your worth or make you feel good about yourself. Instead, you're finding validation from within and recognizing your own self-worth.

Finding contentment in your own self-approval can be a liberating experience. It means that you're no longer tied to the opinions of others and can make decisions based on what feels right for you. You're no longer seeking approval from others, but rather trusting your own instincts and intuition.

Of course, this is easier said than done. It can be difficult to break free from the cycle of seeking validation from others, especially if you've been doing it for a long time. However, with practice and patience, it's possible to release the need for external validation and find contentment in your own self-approval.

One way to start is by recognizing when you're seeking validation from others. Are you constantly checking your social media likes or seeking approval from your friends and family? If so, try to take a step back and ask yourself why you're seeking validation. Is it because you don't feel good about yourself? Are you trying to prove something to others?

Once you've identified why you're seeking validation, try to shift your focus inward. Instead of seeking approval from others, focus on what makes you feel good about yourself. What are your strengths and accomplishments? What do you value about yourself?

Remember, finding contentment in your own self-approval is a journey, not a destination. It takes time and effort to break free from the cycle of seeking validation from others. However, with practice and patience, it's
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