I trust in the infinite wisdom and love of the universe

I trust in the infinite wisdom and love of the universe

I trust in the infinite wisdom and love of the universe

The affirmation "I trust in the infinite wisdom and love of the universe" can help you feel more at peace with the world around you. It's a reminder that there is a greater force at work in the universe, and that you can trust in this force to guide you through life's challenges.

When you trust in the infinite wisdom and love of the universe, you are acknowledging that there is a higher power that is looking out for you. This can be a comforting thought, especially when you are feeling lost or uncertain about your path in life. By trusting in the universe, you are opening yourself up to new possibilities and opportunities that you may not have considered before.

Trusting in the universe also means letting go of control. It's easy to get caught up in trying to control every aspect of your life, but this can be exhausting and ultimately unfulfilling. When you trust in the universe, you are surrendering control and allowing things to unfold naturally. This can be a scary prospect, but it can also be incredibly liberating.

One of the most important aspects of trusting in the universe is having faith. Faith is the belief that everything will work out in the end, even if you can't see how it will happen. When you have faith, you are able to let go of worry and anxiety, and instead focus on the present moment. This can help you feel more grounded and centered, even in the midst of chaos.

Trusting in the universe also means being open to receiving. When you trust that the universe has your best interests at heart, you are more likely to be open to receiving the gifts that it has to offer. This can include everything from new opportunities to unexpected blessings. By being open to receiving, you are allowing yourself to experience the full richness of life.
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