I'm sorry. You still mad?

I'm sorry. You still mad?
I'm sorry. You still mad?

I'm sorry. You still mad?

I apologize for any inconvenience or hurt feelings I may have caused. I understand that my actions or words have upset you, and I genuinely regret it. I want to take this opportunity to express my sincere apologies and address any lingering anger or frustration you may still be experiencing.

I acknowledge that saying "I'm sorry" might not be enough to heal the wounds caused by my actions. However, please know that my apology comes from a place of genuine remorse and a desire to make amends. I understand that your anger is valid, and I am committed to understanding the impact of my behavior on you.

I want to assure you that I am taking this situation seriously and reflecting on my actions. It is important for me to learn from this experience and grow as an individual. I am committed to making the necessary changes to ensure that I do not repeat the same mistakes in the future.

I understand that you may still be upset, and I respect your feelings. If you are willing, I would appreciate the opportunity to have an open and honest conversation about what happened. I want to listen to your perspective, understand your emotions, and address any concerns you may have. Your feelings are important to me, and I want to work towards rebuilding trust and repairing our relationship.

Please know that I value our connection and the bond we share. I deeply regret any harm caused, and I hope that we can find a way to move forward. I understand that forgiveness takes time, and I am willing to be patient and give you the space you need to heal.

I want to emphasize that my intention was never to hurt or upset you. I am truly sorry for any pain I have caused. It is my hope that we can find a way to mend our relationship and rebuild the trust that may have been damaged.

Once again, I apologize for my actions and any negative impact they may have had on you. I genuinely hope that we can find a way to move past this and restore our connection. Thank you for taking the time to read this message, and I hope we can find a resolution that brings us both peace and understanding.