Let go of the need for approval; your journey is about you, not them

Let go of the need for approval; your journey is about you, not them

Let go of the need for approval; your journey is about you, not them

In life, we often find ourselves seeking approval from others. We yearn for their validation, their acceptance, and their recognition. We constantly seek their approval, hoping that it will bring us happiness and fulfillment. However, it is essential to realize that our journey in life is about us, not them. Letting go of the need for approval can be a liberating and empowering experience.

When we rely on the approval of others, we give away our power. We become dependent on external validation, which can be fleeting and unreliable. The truth is, no matter how hard we try, we cannot please everyone. People have different opinions, preferences, and expectations. What one person may approve of, another may disapprove. Therefore, seeking approval from others becomes an endless and exhausting pursuit.

Instead of seeking approval, we should focus on our own growth and self-discovery. Our journey is unique to us, and it is essential to embrace our individuality. When we let go of the need for approval, we can truly be ourselves without fear of judgment or rejection. We can pursue our passions, dreams, and goals without being hindered by the opinions of others.

Letting go of the need for approval also allows us to cultivate self-acceptance and self-love. When we constantly seek validation from others, we are essentially telling ourselves that we are not enough. We believe that our worth is determined by the opinions of others. However, true fulfillment comes from within. It comes from accepting ourselves as we are, flaws and all, and recognizing our own worth and value.

Furthermore, when we let go of the need for approval, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and experiences. We become more willing to take risks, try new things, and step outside of our comfort zones. We no longer limit ourselves based on what others may think or say. Instead, we embrace the unknown and embrace the journey of self-discovery.

It is important to remember that not everyone will understand or support our journey. Some may criticize, doubt, or discourage us. However, their opinions do not define us. Our journey is about our own growth, happiness, and fulfillment. It is about becoming the best version of ourselves and living a life that aligns with our values and aspirations.
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