Like the constant waves, my thoughts keep returning to you

Like the constant waves, my thoughts keep returning to you

Like the constant waves, my thoughts keep returning to you

Like the constant waves crashing against the shore, my thoughts keep returning to you. It seems that no matter how hard I try to focus on other things, my mind always finds its way back to you. It's as if you have become a permanent fixture in my thoughts, a presence that I cannot escape.

Thinking of you has become a daily ritual, a habit that I have grown accustomed to. Whether I'm going about my daily tasks or simply lying in bed at night, you are always there, lingering in the back of my mind. It's both comforting and frustrating at the same time, this constant stream of thoughts that revolves around you.

Sometimes, I find myself reminiscing about the moments we've shared together. The laughter, the conversations, the stolen glances that spoke volumes. Those memories replay in my mind like a movie, each scene etched vividly in my thoughts. I can't help but smile as I recall the joy and happiness we've experienced together.

Other times, my thoughts take a different turn. I find myself wondering how you're doing, if you're happy, if you're thinking of me too. I imagine scenarios in my mind, envisioning us together, creating a future filled with love and laughter. It's in these moments that my heart feels both hopeful and anxious, yearning for a connection that goes beyond mere thoughts.

But even in the mundane moments, when life seems to be moving at a steady pace, you still manage to invade my thoughts. It could be a simple song on the radio, a familiar scent in the air, or a random encounter with someone who reminds me of you. Suddenly, my mind is flooded with memories and emotions, and I can't help but feel a sense of longing.

Thinking of you has become a bittersweet experience. On one hand, it brings me joy to know that someone like you exists in my life, someone who has left an indelible mark on my heart. On the other hand, it reminds me of the distance that separates us, the moments we're missing out on, and the uncertainty of what lies ahead.

Yet, despite the challenges and the uncertainties, I find solace in the fact that my thoughts keep returning to you. It's a testament to the depth of our connection, the impact you've had on my life. And so, I embrace these thoughts, these constant waves that crash against the shores of my mind, because they remind me of the love and affection I have for you.

So, as the days go by and my thoughts continue to wander back to you, know that you are always on my mind. You are the constant presence in my thoughts, the one who brings a smile to my face and warmth to my heart. And though we may be physically apart, our connection remains strong, as my thoughts of you continue to ebb and flow like the constant waves.
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