My strength has been tested, and I have not been found wanting

My strength has been tested, and I have not been found wanting

My strength has been tested, and I have not been found wanting

In times of trial, it is natural to question one's own strength. There may be moments when you feel weak and vulnerable, as if you are not capable of overcoming the challenges that life presents. However, it is important to remember the affirmation: "My strength has been tested, and I have not been found wanting."

We are all confronted with difficulties at different points in our lives. These obstacles can range from personal to professional, and often push us to our limits. But despite these hardships, you have proven time and again that you possess an unwavering inner strength.

When faced with adversity, you have never shied away or backed down. Instead, you have confronted challenges head-on, exhibiting resilience and determination. You have taken risks, stepped out of your comfort zone, and shown the world what you are made of.

Even in moments when you may have doubted yourself, you have always found a way to rise above the circumstances. Your strength has not been diminished by setbacks or failures, but rather fueled by them. Each trial has only served to make you stronger, more courageous, and more confident in your abilities.

It is through these difficulties that you have discovered the depth of your inner resources. You have tapped into a wellspring of resilience that you never knew existed. No matter how tough the road ahead may seem, you can declare with conviction that your strength has been tested and has not been found wanting.

So, believe in yourself and trust in your abilities. Have faith that you possess the strength to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. Embrace the challenges that lie ahead, knowing that they are mere opportunities for you to showcase your unwavering strength and resilience. Remember, "My strength has been tested, and I have not been found wanting."
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