Sorry to hear you're using sick days for an actual sickness!

Sorry to hear you're using sick days for an actual sickness!

Sorry to hear you're using sick days for an actual sickness!

I'm sorry to hear that you're using sick days because you're actually sick. It's never fun to be under the weather, but it's important to take care of yourself and get the rest you need to recover.

Remember to stay hydrated and take any medication prescribed by your doctor. If you need to take more time off work, don't hesitate to do so. Your health should always come first.

It's also important to let your employer know that you're sick and won't be able to come into work. This way, they can make arrangements to cover your workload and ensure that your absence doesn't cause any major disruptions.

If you're feeling up to it, try to stay active and get some fresh air. Even a short walk outside can do wonders for your mood and help you feel better.

Lastly, don't feel guilty about taking sick days. They're there for a reason, and it's important to use them when you need them. Your health and well-being are worth it.
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