Your worth is not contingent on external validation or approval; it comes from within, from recognizing your own value as a person

Your worth is not contingent on external validation or approval; it comes from within, from recognizing your own value as a person

Your worth is not contingent on external validation or approval; it comes from within, from recognizing your own value as a person

Self-worth is a concept that is often misunderstood and undervalued in today's society. Many people believe that their worth is contingent on external validation or approval from others. However, this is simply not true. Your worth comes from within, from recognizing your own value as a person.

It is important to remember that you are inherently valuable simply because you exist. You do not need to prove your worth to anyone else or seek validation from others in order to feel valuable. Your worth is not determined by how others perceive you or what they think of you. It is determined by how you see yourself and how you value yourself.

It can be easy to fall into the trap of seeking validation from others in order to feel worthy. However, this is a dangerous cycle that can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. It is important to remember that you are enough just as you are, and that your worth does not depend on what others think of you.

It is also important to recognize that external validation is fleeting and unreliable. Seeking approval from others can be a never-ending cycle that leaves you constantly seeking validation from others in order to feel worthy. This can be exhausting and ultimately unfulfilling.

Instead of seeking validation from others, it is important to focus on recognizing your own value as a person. Take the time to reflect on your strengths, talents, and accomplishments. Celebrate your successes and acknowledge your worth as an individual.

Remember that you are unique and valuable in your own right. You have something special to offer the world that no one else can replicate. Embrace your individuality and recognize the worth that you bring to the table.
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