700 Abundance Affirmations

I am abundant
Abundance suits me
My life is abundant
I am financially free
I am living abundantly
Abundance and I are one
I am a magnet for money
Money and I are friends
I am an abundance magnet
Prosperity is my destiny
I am living my dream life
I am extremely successful
Abundance finds me easily
I am surrounded by wealth
Prosperity is drawn to me
My actions generate wealth
I always live in abundance
Abundance is my birthright
Abundance is my middle name
I am unlimited in my wealth
Prosperity is my birthright
Less is a path to abundance
Abundance is now in my reach
Abundance is my divine right
I am surrounded by abundance
I am abundant now and always
I am in the flow of abundance
I deserve financial abundance
Prosperity is filling my life
I am worthy of a wealthy life
Wealth is pouring into my life
I find abundance in simplicity
Wealth is expanding in my life
Affluence is my default setting
My abundance is forever growing
Wealth and abundance flow to me
My wealth shines from within me
I exist in an abundant universe
I attract abundance and success
I am ready to receive abundance
I am living a life of abundance
Riches flow towards me every day
Prosperity surrounds me everyday
I am financially free and secure
Abundance is just a thought away
Every day, I attract more wealth
I am worthy of a prosperous life
My life is filled with abundance
Prosperity flows to me endlessly
My positivity attracts abundance
I am creating a life of abundance
I live in a universe of abundance
Abundant blessings are in my path
Abundance is my life's soundtrack
My energy is abundant and endless
Abundance flows freely through me
I see abundance everywhere I look
Abundance is my divine birthright
Prosperity is mine for the taking
I am sailing the sea of abundance
I choose to live an abundant life
Prosperity finds me wherever I go
Living abundantly is my lifestyle
My future is brimming with wealth
Abundance follows me wherever I go
My abundance is constantly growing
Greater wealth is on its way to me
I am worthy of financial abundance
My mindset determines my abundance
My life is a magnet for prosperity
The wealth of the universe is mine
The world is abundant, and so am I
I am prosperous in everything I do
Doors of opportunities open for me
I am worthy of living in abundance
My income is continually increasing
Prosperity is drawn to me naturally
Every step I take adds to my wealth
I am a conduit for global abundance
I have abundant energy and vitality
Abundance is limitless, and so am I
Prosperity follows all my endeavors
The more I give, the more I receive
I am deserving of joy and abundance
I always choose financial abundance
Abundance is flowing in my direction
In my world, everything is plentiful
Financial freedom is within my reach
Wealth constantly flows into my life
Wealth and success are normal for me
Financial freedom is within my grasp
I am worthy of success and abundance
It's a joy to live in such abundance
Abundant prosperity is my birthright
I will accomplish all my tasks today
I am living in the flow of abundance
I am worthy of abundance and success
I am willing to be more abundant now
My actions create constant abundance
I see abundance everywhere around me
I am designed for positive abundance
I am fortunate to have such abundance
Financial abundance is part of my DNA
The universe is generous and abundant
I am a beacon of wealth and abundance
My actions create constant prosperity
My wealth is increasing exponentially
I am surrounded by love and abundance
My life is overflowing with blessings
I am a beacon for financial abundance
I attract abundance with ease and joy
I am a magnet for financial abundance
I am open to the universe's abundance
My destiny is intertwined with wealth
I am passionate about building wealth
Financial blessings come to me easily
Wealth is an integral part of my life
I am rich in love, joy, and abundance
The world’s riches are mine to enjoy
Prosperity and abundance are in my DNA
Abundance flows freely through my life
Abundance flows freely to me every day
Financial abundance is part of my life
Perfect abundance is my chosen reality
I am finding abundance everywhere I go
Abundance and I are in perfect harmony
Opulence is in every aspect of my life
I am a magnet for wealth and abundance
I let go of excess to invite abundance
Every day my path is paved with wealth
Wealth and abundance are my birthright
My heart is open to love and abundance
I am worthy of happiness and abundance
I am deserving of abundance in my life
Abundance is attracted to me naturally
Abundance is my natural state of being
I am deserving of wealth and abundance
I receive abundant rewards for my work
My life is proof of infinite abundance
My words and actions create prosperity
My financial opportunities are abundant
I am surrounded by an abundance of love
I am able to handle large sums of money
I am surrounded by abundance and wealth
I am worthy of abundance and prosperity
My path is clear to financial abundance
Financial freedom comes naturally to me
I live in a realm of infinite abundance
I am worthy of receiving prosperity now
I attract abundant career opportunities
Success and wealth feel at home with me
Positive energy multiplies my abundance
Today, I choose happiness and abundance
Unlimited prosperity is part of my life
I am deserving of success and abundance
My mind is a powerful magnet for wealth
The abundance I seek is also seeking me
Love, happiness, and wealth surround me
I am a magnet for abundance and success
I attract positive energy and abundance
Financial miracles are a part of my life
I choose to embrace abundance in my life
Abundance comes to me in unexpected ways
Wealth comes to me from multiple sources
Wealth is a natural part of my existence
Healing miracles are abundant in my life
I am attracting abundance and prosperity
I can see abundance everywhere around me
I am at peace with having a lot of money
I am financially abundant and prosperous
My life is filled with joy and abundance
I always have more than enough abundance
The world's abundance is within my grasp
Wealth is being drawn to me effortlessly
Constant prosperity is a part of my life
I see it. I like it. I want it. I got it
Abundance and success are my birthrights
I am surrounded by professional abundance
The universe trusts me with its abundance
My support system is diverse and abundant
My ability to attract wealth is limitless
I deserve the best and it comes to me now
It is ok for me to have everything I want
I am now accumulating large sums of money
My experiences are filled with prosperity
I am open to receiving love and abundance
Every cell of my body radiates prosperity
I flourish in the abundance of the cosmos
I am deserving of an abundance of success
Wealth and abundance respect my hard work
Abundance flows effortlessly into my life
Money comes to me easily and effortlessly
I am aligned with the energy of abundance
Overflowing prosperity is the norm for me
I am empowered to create an abundant life
There is an abundance of wealth in my life
My financial future is secure and abundant
I am grateful for the abundance in my life
I am deserving of abundance and prosperity
My life is a reflection of abundant living
With a grateful heart, I attract abundance
I thrive in a state of financial abundance
Abundance and prosperity are my birthright
Every cent I invest returns with abundance
I am deserving of a wealthy, abundant life
I am a magnet for prosperity and abundance
My wealth consciousness is expanding daily
Opportunities for abundance are everywhere
I am a magnet for abundance and prosperity
I create prosperity easily and effortlessly
I am open to receiving wealth in many forms
With every breath, I attract more abundance
My optimism attracts abundance into my life
I am surrounded by love, joy, and abundance
I am surrounded by abundance and prosperity
Opportunities are abundant in my life today
I am worthy of success, love, and abundance
I welcome abundance in all areas of my life
Abundance and prosperity are my birthrights
I attract wealth and abundance into my life
Success and abundance are my natural states
I am surrounded by positivity and abundance
Empowered and prosperous is my normal state
The universe is an abundance factory for me
My heart overflows with spiritual abundance
Doors of opportunity are always open for me
I am the embodiment of wealth and abundance
All my needs and desires are met abundantly
There is always more than enough in my life
I am deserving of abundance, no matter what
I am open to receiving abundance in my life
My life is filled with unlimited prosperity
My reality is creating more and more wealth
The universe conspires to give me prosperity
The universe amplifies my efforts abundantly
Blessings of abundance fill my life each day
I am open to receiving success and abundance
Every day abundance is increasing in my life
I attract success, abundance, and prosperity
I attract abundance and prosperity with ease
In all aspects, my life is full and abundant
I celebrate the abundance of love in my life
I am now receiving massive amounts of wealth
I am the creator of my success and abundance
Every day, I attract more wealth and success
My life is bountiful and filled with success
I am deserving of abundance in all its forms
My heart is open to love, joy, and abundance
Abundance vibrates in all aspects of my life
My world is rich, abundant, and ever-growing
Every day is a new chance for more abundance
Opportunities for prosperity are multiplying
My mind is a magnet for wealth and abundance
The universe wants me to have great abundance
Abundance comes to me easily and effortlessly
I find abundance in the simplicity of my life
I attract wellness and abundance into my life
I effortlessly attract abundance into my life
The treasures of peace are abundant within me
Abundance flows to me effortlessly and easily
Every decision leads me to greater prosperity
Every moment brings more abundance in my life
I am surrounded by an abundance of positivity
My path is constantly aligning with abundance
Today, I radiate success, abundance, and love
Every cell in my body vibrates with abundance
I celebrate the abundant happiness in my life
I am in alignment with earning abundant money
I am blessed with immense power and abundance
I am open to receiving all forms of abundance
I am worthy of abundance and financial success
I dance to the rhythms of wealth and abundance
Every step I take is a step towards prosperity
My mind is focused on abundance and prosperity
Overflowing wealth and prosperity is my nature
I am creating an abundant life full of success
Abundance is within me, abundance is around me
I am grateful for everything I receive in life
I am worthy of abundance and all its blessings
Abundance is my birthright, and I claim it now
I attract prosperity with each thought I think
I am abundant in health, wealth, and happiness
I am living a life of abundance and prosperity
I will manifest positivity and abundance today
I am free to create a life of joy and abundance
Wealth is a reflection of my internal abundance
I attract abundance and prosperity effortlessly
Financial abundance is simply a decision I make
I am a magnet for kindness, love, and abundance
I am open to receiving abundance and prosperity
The universe supports my dreams and aspirations
The world is rich, and I share in its abundance
I am creating a life of affluence and abundance
Prosperity is my birthright, and I claim it now
I am deserving of receiving financial abundance
My life is filled with prosperity and abundance
Every decision I make leads to financial growth
My wealth is a reflection of my inner abundance
I possess an abundance of creativity and energy
The universe is endlessly abundant, and so am I
Wealth and abundance are circulating in my life
Money flows to me effortlessly and in abundance
My abundance is expanding and growing every day
My life is filled with abundance and prosperity
Affluence and luxury are becoming my new normal
I am open to receiving love, joy, and abundance
The universe’s gifts are abundant and endless
Life responds by bringing more abundance my way
With a smile, I invite love, abundance, and joy
I create financial abundance through my passions
I am becoming more and more prosperous every day
I choose to live an abundant and prosperous life
I am surrounded by an abundance of opportunities
I am a positive channel for wealth and abundance
Giving and receiving wealth is a part of my life
Success and prosperity follow me everywhere I go
My actions align with the frequency of abundance
I am deserving of love and receive it abundantly
All areas of my life are abundant and fulfilling
My wealth and abundance are increasing every day
My abundance is constantly growing and expanding
When I speak my needs, I receive them abundantly
Opportunities for growth and success surround me
I attract success and abundance in my profession
I am content with less and abundant in gratitude
Money showers over me in avalanches of abundance
My positive mindset attracts money and abundance
My life is ever expanding with endless abundance
With my mind, I attract abundance and prosperity
My prosperity thoughts create my prosperous world
Success and abundance flow naturally into my life
I am the epicenter of a financial abundance quake
The universe supports my abundance and prosperity
I am grateful for the abundance that surrounds me
Every morning, I attract abundance and positivity
I use my mind to manifest happiness and abundance
I am open and receptive to all forms of abundance
Love flows through me effortlessly and abundantly
I am aligned with the universe's abundance of joy
I am a master at manifesting wealth and abundance
I am connected to a limitless source of abundance
I banish the past and now live in the wealthy now
My wealth and abundance are constantly increasing
I am surrounded by love, happiness, and abundance
There is a wealth of opportunities in front of me
I am always in the flow of love's abundant energy
My journey is abundant with wealth and prosperity
I am grateful for the abundance of joy in my life
I am worthy of all the abundance life has to offer
My prosperity is limitless, my success is infinite
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