700 Energy Affirmations

I feel energized!
I am a powerhouse
My aura is luminous
I am full of vitality
I have so much energy
My aura is protective
My energy levels soar
I am a beacon of light
My energy is limitless
I am charged and ready
I thrive on wise energy
My chakras are balanced
My energy is infectious
I exude magnetic energy
I harness energy wisely
I am energy and vitality
I am radiant and vibrant
I radiate positive energy
I channel energy for good
I attract good vibes only
I attract positive energy
My spirit is electrifying
My vibe attracts my tribe
I rejuvenate effortlessly
Every cell in me is alive
My energy attracts success
Energies align in my favor
Joy fuels my body's energy
Healing energy surrounds me
Peaceful energy envelops me
Energy amplifies my purpose
I draw strength from within
I spread positive vibrations
Positive energy surrounds me
I am in control of my energy
I am a conduit of positivity
I am alive and full of energy
My zest for life is boundless
I vibrate at a high frequency
Energy flows freely within me
I protect my space and energy
Life's energy flows through me
My joyous energy is infectious
I am a vessel of divine energy
I create my own positive energy
I am healthy and full of energy
My creative energy is boundless
I am full of vitality and energy
Vibrant energy adds to my beauty
Positive energy flows through me
I am a beacon of positive energy
I am a vessel of positive energy
I am full of vigor and enthusiasm
My energy is abundant and endless
I am surrounded by healing energy
I feel healthy and full of energy
I am surrounded by positive energy
My positive energy inspires others
Prosperity is the energy I radiate
Calm energy envelops and guides me
My body is strong and full of life
My work energy radiates positivity
I am surrounded by peaceful energy
I am abundant with positive energy
I shine like a star everywhere I go
My energy and aura attract goodness
I have abundant energy and vitality
I embrace the energy of the morning
I am well-rested and full of energy
My world thrives on positive energy
My energy and vitality are limitless
I feel energized and alive every day
I am filled with energy and vitality
I am a powerhouse of positive energy
My energy is always attracting money
I attract healthy and positive energy
I cherish and nurture my energy daily
I am a powerhouse of financial energy
My body is healthy and full of energy
Sleep aligns my energy with the cosmos
I am aligned with the energy of wealth
Happiness is the energy that drives me
Nature's energy assists in my recovery
I am brimming with energy and vitality
My mind is filled with positive energy
I attract positive energy into my life
I am the energy that I wish to attract
My energy is dynamic and ever-evolving
My energy is unlimited and never-ending
I am powered by the energy of happiness
I transform stress into positive energy
My energy flows freely and effortlessly
I am full of positive and loving energy
I radiate positive energy wherever I go
I trust in the energy of new beginnings
My energy resonates with self-assurance
The energy I emit transforms my reality
I attract positive energy and abundance
Positive energy multiplies my abundance
I honor and respect the energy of others
Exercising daily gives me amazing energy
I am in harmony with the energy of money
I love the energy I feel after a workout
I convert my stress into positive energy
I focus my energy on my dreams and goals
I surround myself with supportive energy
An energy of peace and love surrounds me
The energy I radiate lights up the world
Each day, I am recharged and revitalized
I am full of energy and ready for the day
I channel universal energy in my artistry
I am full of energy, vitality, and health
Money is an energy I attract effortlessly
I am enveloped in waves of calming energy
I feel light, vibrant, and full of energy
I am aligned with the energy of abundance
Every breath I take brings healing energy
I sleep deeply and wake up full of energy
Peaceful energy is always available to me
I charge every space with positive energy
I radiate positivity and spiritual energy
I am healthy, vibrant, and full of energy
I am vibrant, radiant, and full of energy
I am aligned with the energy of prosperity
I concentrate all my energy on the present
Love is the energy that binds the universe
My energy is focused on the present moment
I am surrounded by love and healing energy
I am surrounded by healing energy and love
I am energized by my passions and pursuits
I am attuned to the energy of the Universe
Peaceful energy surrounds me wherever I go
My cells vibrate with the energy of health
Relaxation rejuvenates my energy and spirit
I am connected to the universal energy grid
I am capable, resilient, and full of energy
I am a beacon of positivity and high energy
The energy of the universe flows through me
I am a vessel of love, strength, and energy
I am a magnet for peace and positive energy
I infuse every task with passion and energy
My energy levels are constantly replenished
The energy of love and healing surrounds me
My energy is infectious and elevates others
I am surrounded by positive energy and love
My energy has the power to heal and inspire
I am a conduit for love and positive energy
Love's energy rejuvenates and revitalizes me
My positive energy is infinite and boundless
I am surrounded by positive energy and vibes
I am surrounded by positive energy and light
I am a magnet for positivity and good energy
I give my energy to what serves me right now
I am surrounded by peace and positive energy
I am always energized and ready for anything
Today, I will motivate others with my energy
My energy has the power to change my reality
The energy of the earth grounds and heals me
I am worthy of all the good vibes and energy
I choose to invest time and energy in myself
My aura pulsates with the energy of victories
I am protected by a shield of positive energy
My distinct energy attracts like-minded souls
My energy is a reflection of my love for life
Every breath I take fills me with calm energy
I am filled with positive energy and vitality
I overflow with gratitude and positive energy
My energy is rooted in authenticity and truth
I am surrounded by positivity and good energy
I am surrounded by positive energy as I sleep
My energy and focus drive me towards my goals
I am a magnet for positive and vibrant energy
My energy is amplified by my belief in myself
I am a vibrant, energetic, and powerful being
I allow my creative energy to manifest freely
Nature's energy assists in my healing process
I use my time and energy to go after my dream
I am radiating with positive energy and light
I attract new and positive energy into my life
I am surrounded by positive and healing energy
I feel alive and invigorated with each new day
Clarity helps me prioritize my time and energy
I feel the positive energy in me and around me
I am grounded in the nurturing energy of peace
I am a fountain of boundless energy and power!
The energy of the day dissolves into the night
The energy between us is magnetic and powerful
The energy within me knows no bounds or limits
I am grateful for the endless energy I possess
I protect my energy with intention and purpose
The energy within me is boundless and powerful
My aura is always glowing with positive energy
My inner strength and energy propel me forward
Each morning, I am filled with positive energy
I attract the energy that matches my frequency
My body is a wellspring of energy and vitality
When I focus on gratitude, my energy amplifies
I honor the ebb and flow of my creative energy
The energy of gratitude fills my heart and soul
I am in harmony with the energy of the universe
I draw strength from the energy of my ancestors
My energy and vitality are being restored daily
I release all negative energy and welcome peace
I am open to the healing energy of the universe
I am constantly replenishing my energy reserves
The energy within me is harmonious and balanced
My energy and enthusiasm for life are limitless
I can convert stress into motivation and energy
I protect my energy by setting clear boundaries
My body is a conduit of energy, light, and love
I am surrounded by positive and peaceful energy
I am a radiant being, fueled by positive energy
I tap into the infinite energy source within me
I release negative energy and embrace self-love
A proper diet fills me with energy and vitality
I am assertive in protecting my time and energy
I harness my energy to create the life I desire
I am a magnet for positive and uplifting energy
I possess an abundance of creativity and energy
I radiate positive energy and dispel all anxiety
I am filled with boundless energy and motivation
Being assertive means valuing my time and energy
I am a magnet for positive energy and confidence
The energy of wellness permeates my entire being
I attract positive energy when I care for myself
I am aligned with the universe's peaceful energy
I am a powerhouse of energy, ambition, and drive
Nature's energy revitalizes my spirit and health
My spirit vibrates with the energy of positivity
My positive energy attracts success effortlessly
My energy is infectious, spreading joy to others
I rejuvenate my energy by connecting with nature
My energy is resilient, overcoming all obstacles
I am energized and motivated to achieve my goals
I am a magnet for positive energy and experiences
I embrace the energy of transformation and growth
Every cell in my body vibrates with divine energy
Filled with energy, I will conquer my goals today
I am filled with positive energy as I fall asleep
I am generous with my time, energy, and resources
I am always in the flow of love's abundant energy
I am a vessel of positive energy, love, and light
I am surrounded by positive and supportive energy
I am surrounded by peaceful energy and vibrations
I am guided by divine energy in every step I take
Smiling elevates my mood and fills me with energy
I harness the energy of change to evolve and grow
I am grateful for the calming energy of the night
I awaken each day with renewed energy and purpose
I am surrounded by positive energy and good vibes
My energy is too precious to be drained by stress
The energy of the universe supports and guides me
I am empowered by the universe's limitless energy
Every interaction I have is an exchange of energy
I am a force of nature, with my own unique energy
I am a powerful being filled with unlimited energy
Every cell in my body vibrates with healing energy
I celebrate the positive energy that fills my life
I find balance in both giving and receiving energy
I release any negative energy hindering my healing
My energy is infused with love, joy, and gratitude
A healthy diet is my ticket to vitality and energy
My energy is contagious, inspiring those around me
My energy is infectious, inspiring those around me
I attract positive and vibrant energy into my life
I am open to receiving the healing energy of sleep
Healing energy flows through every part of my body
My heart and soul resonate with the energy of love
I believe in the transformative power of my energy
I attract positive energy and radiate it to others
I choose to harness the energy of my mind for good
I am fueled by the energy of endless possibilities
Money is simply energy, and I attract it naturally
Every cell in my body vibrates with radiant energy
My body is a dynamic expression of life and energy
I am aligned with the energy of wealth and success
My energy flows like a river, finding its own path
My energy is a magnet for abundance and prosperity
I am overflowing with boundless energy and vitality
I work smarter, not harder, to save time and energy
I harness the energy of fear to fuel my aspirations
I am surrounded by love, light, and positive energy
My energy resonates with joy, peace, and prosperity
I am a beacon of positive energy in every situation
I am a magnet for positive energy and opportunities
Every day, I harness the universe's positive energy
I harness the energy of my mind for my highest good
My energy is aligned with my values and aspirations
My energy is contagious, inspiring others around me
My energy reflects my commitment to personal growth
My body is a powerful source of energy and vitality
My energy resonates with positivity and self-belief
I am revitalized by the natural energy of the earth
The more positive energy I give, the more I receive
I am constantly renewing and rejuvenating my energy
I am a powerhouse of joy, love, and positive energy
Every breath I take fills me with energy and health
My positive energy is contagious to those around me
The energy of relaxation permeates every part of me
I am surrounded by peace, love, and positive energy
Every cell in my body vibrates with positive energy
I can feel the energy of success flowing towards me
The energy of love and compassion drives my actions
I am a catalyst for positive energy in my community
I am constantly inspired by the energy of the cosmos
My energy is infectious, motivating others around me
My energy levels soar as I embrace my authentic self
I am responsible for the energy I put into the world
My energy creates ripples of positivity in the world
I am constantly filled with vibrant, positive energy
The energy I send out returns to me in wondrous ways
I invest time and energy in nurturing my friendships
I harness the energy from stress to fuel my passions
The universe provides me with endless healing energy
I am surrounded by people who uplift and energize me
Positive energy flows through me, promoting wellness
The energy I invest in healing returns to me tenfold
I have an abundance of energy to accomplish my goals
I attract money effortlessly with my positive energy
Every ounce of energy I invest returns as prosperity
I channel the energy of the universe towards success
The energy I possess has the power to move mountains
Every cell in my body vibrates with financial energy
My energy levels are soaring, and I feel unstoppable
I invest love, time, and energy into each friendship
My actions are powered by pure and purposeful energy
The universe recognizes and rewards my vibrant energy
Through discipline, I harness my energy and potential
I am filled with the energy to overcome any challenge
I am recharged by the positive energy of the universe
I am always overflowing with positive, vibrant energy
Every intention I set is powered by unwavering energy
I attract happiness and positive energy wherever I go
I transmute negative energy into positive experiences
I am constantly energized by life's beautiful moments
My energy is precious and I choose where to invest it
Every cell in my body vibrates with energy and health
My body is filled with energy, vitality, and strength
I am unstoppable, fueled by my passion and enthusiasm
I am surrounded by positive energy, and it uplifts me
I am filled with energy and enthusiasm for life today
I am connected to an infinite source of divine energy
I am surrounded by love, support, and positive energy
I am a living example of the power of positive energy
I am a powerhouse of strength, energy, and resilience
I remain centered, channeling my energy through focus
I am aligned with the energy of abundance and success
I am open to receiving and channeling positive energy
My energy levels rise with my commitment to my health
My energy flows freely, unencumbered by fear or doubt
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