20 Funny Good Night Messages

Rest in peace. I mean, rest peacefully. Good night!
Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite
Time to hit the sack and count some sheep. Goodnight
Sweet dreams, if you sleep. Sweet thoughts if you don't
Good night! May you be safe from the monster under your bed!
It's late. Let's continue in your dreams. Good night my love!
Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the under-the-bed monsters bite
Good night and sleep well! I hope you have dreams as sweet as I am!
I hope your dreams tonight are as weird and entertaining as your life
Sleep well, and may your dreams be filled with winning lottery numbers
Sleeping is the only thing you’re good at besides breathing, so good night
I hope your dreams are filled with laughter and not creepy clowns. Good night!
Wishing you a night filled with dreams of unicorns and chocolate-covered rainbows
Good night! Please don’t show up in my dreams; I don’t want a nightmare tonight
Goodnight, and don't forget to close your eyes... unless you want to see the monsters
Wishing my crazy family a good night's sleep. May your dreams be as weird and wonderful as you all are!
The future is shaped by your dreams, so stop wasting time and go to sleep! Good night and sweet dreams!
The only way I can guarantee you a sweet dream is by dreaming about me. So, what are you waiting for? Good night my love
I'm going to bed now, but I'll be thinking of you... unless I fall asleep, in which case I won't be thinking of anything
Good night sweetheart! Don’t look at the window at night. Also, don’t look under the bed. There may be something! Just kidding! Sweet dreams my love!
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