A wise man once said, "Forget about your past, you cannot change it". I'd like to add: "Forget about your present, I didn't get you one"

A wise man once said, "Forget about your past, you cannot change it". I'd like to add: "Forget about your present, I didn't get you one"

A wise man once said, "Forget about your past, you cannot change it". I'd like to add: "Forget about your present, I didn't get you one"

We all have a past, and sometimes it can be difficult to let go of the mistakes we've made or the things we wish we could change. But dwelling on the past won't change it. Instead, we should focus on the present and the future.

The present is a gift, and we should make the most of it. We can't change the past, but we can learn from it and use those lessons to make better choices in the present. We can choose to be kind, to be grateful, and to make a positive impact on the world around us.

And while it's true that the person who said "Forget about your present, I didn't get you one" was probably joking, there's still a lesson to be learned. We shouldn't wait for someone else to give us a present or make us happy. We should take responsibility for our own happiness and make the most of every moment.

So forget about the past, and forget about the present that someone else didn't give you. Instead, focus on the present that you do have, and make it the best it can be. Choose to be happy, choose to be kind, and choose to make a difference in the world. That's the best gift you can give yourself and those around you.
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