I always stay calm and collected when I speak

I always stay calm and collected when I speak

I always stay calm and collected when I speak

As a human being, it's natural to feel nervous or anxious when speaking in front of others. However, it's important to remember that you have the power to control your emotions and remain calm and collected. By repeating the affirmation "I always stay calm and collected when I speak", you can train your mind to believe in your ability to remain composed in any situation.

When you speak with confidence and composure, you exude a sense of authority and credibility. People are more likely to listen to what you have to say and take you seriously. Additionally, staying calm and collected can help you think more clearly and make better decisions.

One way to practice this affirmation is to take deep breaths before speaking. This can help you relax and slow down your heart rate. Another technique is to visualize yourself speaking calmly and confidently in front of others. By visualizing success, you can train your mind to believe in your ability to remain calm and collected.

It's important to remember that staying calm and collected doesn't mean you have to be emotionless. It's okay to show passion and enthusiasm when speaking, as long as you remain in control of your emotions. By staying calm and collected, you can communicate your message effectively and leave a lasting impression on your audience.
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