I am in alignment with the universe, drawing power from its energy

I am in alignment with the universe, drawing power from its energy

I am in alignment with the universe, drawing power from its energy

When you affirm that “I am in alignment with the universe, drawing power from its energy,” you are acknowledging your connection to the vast cosmos that surrounds you. It is understanding that you are not separate from the universe, but a part of it. This affirmation empowers you by tapping into the universal energy that flows through everything.

By recognizing your alignment with the universe, you become aware of the infinite possibilities it offers. You acknowledge that the universe is not against you, but rather it conspires in your favor. You begin to see that you are supported by a force greater than yourself, and this realization strengthens your belief in your own abilities.

Drawing power from the universe's energy means embracing the abundant resources available to you. It entails tapping into the cosmic well of creativity, wisdom, and love that exists within and around you. As you align yourself with this higher energy, you open the doors to new insights, ideas, and opportunities. You become a channel for the universe's energy to flow through, allowing it to guide and inspire you.

When you affirm this connection, you release the need to control every aspect of your life. You surrender to the flow of the universe, trusting that it will lead you to where you need to be. This alignment brings a sense of peace and harmony, as you understand that everything is unfolding perfectly according to a greater plan.

Remember, you are not alone in this vast universe. You are in alignment with its energy, drawing power from it. Embrace this affirmation wholeheartedly and let it guide you on your journey. Trust in the universe's wisdom and allow its energy to propel you forward. You are a cosmic being, intimately connected to the ever-expanding universe.
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