I choose to see the humanity in every person, rather than focusing solely on their flaws or shortcomings

I choose to see the humanity in every person, rather than focusing solely on their flaws or shortcomings

I choose to see the humanity in every person, rather than focusing solely on their flaws or shortcomings

It's easy to get caught up in the flaws and shortcomings of others. We all have our own biases and judgments that can cloud our perception of those around us. However, when we choose to see the humanity in every person, we open ourselves up to a world of compassion and understanding.

When you choose to see the humanity in every person, you are acknowledging that we are all flawed and imperfect. No one is perfect, and we all make mistakes. By focusing solely on someone's flaws or shortcomings, you are ignoring the fact that they are a human being with their own unique experiences and struggles.

Choosing to see the humanity in every person means that you are willing to look beyond the surface level and see the person for who they truly are. You are willing to listen to their story and understand their perspective. You are willing to empathize with their struggles and offer support when needed.

This affirmation is not about ignoring someone's flaws or shortcomings. It's about recognizing that those flaws and shortcomings do not define them as a person. It's about seeing the good in people and acknowledging their strengths and positive qualities.

When you choose to see the humanity in every person, you are creating a more compassionate and understanding world. You are breaking down barriers and building bridges between people. You are creating a world where everyone is seen and valued for who they truly are.

So, the next time you find yourself focusing solely on someone's flaws or shortcomings, remember this affirmation: "I choose to see the humanity in every person, rather than focusing solely on their flaws or shortcomings". Take a step back and try to see the person for who they truly are. You may be surprised at what you find.
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