I didn't forget your birthday; I just wanted to add some extra suspense to your life

I didn't forget your birthday; I just wanted to add some extra suspense to your life

I didn't forget your birthday; I just wanted to add some extra suspense to your life

Hey there! So, I know your birthday has come and gone, and you might be thinking that I totally forgot about it. But fear not, my friend, for that is not the case at all. In fact, I wanted to add a little extra suspense to your life by waiting to wish you a happy belated birthday!

I mean, who needs a boring old on-time birthday wish when you can have a belated one that keeps you on your toes, right? Plus, let's be real, it's way more fun this way. I mean, who doesn't love a good surprise, even if it's a little late?

I hope you had an absolutely fantastic birthday filled with all the things that make you smile. And hey, now that the big day has passed, we can keep the celebration going for even longer! I mean, why limit the fun to just one day when we can stretch it out for as long as we want?

So, here's to you, my friend, and to all the laughter, joy, and good times that your birthday brings. May this year be filled with even more amazing memories and hilarious moments that we can look back on and laugh about for years to come.

And hey, who knows, maybe next year I'll add even more suspense to your life by waiting even longer to wish you a happy birthday. The possibilities are endless when it comes to birthday shenanigans, right?
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