I trust my intuition and follow the path of highest energy and joy

I trust my intuition and follow the path of highest energy and joy

I trust my intuition and follow the path of highest energy and joy

Trusting your intuition is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. It's easy to get caught up in the noise of the world and forget to listen to your inner voice. But when you trust your intuition, you're able to make decisions that are aligned with your true self. You're able to follow the path of highest energy and joy.

When you trust your intuition, you're able to tap into a deep well of wisdom that's always available to you. You don't have to rely on external sources for guidance because you have everything you need within you. Your intuition is like a compass that always points you in the right direction. It's up to you to listen to it and follow its guidance.

Following the path of highest energy and joy means doing what feels right for you. It means letting go of the things that no longer serve you and embracing the things that bring you joy. It means being true to yourself and living your life on your own terms.

When you trust your intuition and follow the path of highest energy and joy, you're able to create a life that's fulfilling and meaningful. You're able to attract the people, opportunities, and experiences that are aligned with your true self. You're able to live a life that's full of joy, abundance, and love.

So, the next time you're faced with a decision, take a moment to tune into your intuition. Ask yourself what feels right for you. Trust that inner voice and follow the path of highest energy and joy. Repeat the affirmation to yourself: "I trust my intuition and follow the path of highest energy and joy". You'll be amazed at how much easier life becomes when you trust yourself and follow your heart.
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