My energy is contagious, uplifting and inspiring those around me

My energy is contagious, uplifting and inspiring those around me

My energy is contagious, uplifting and inspiring those around me

As you go about your day, have you ever noticed how your energy affects those around you? Whether you realize it or not, your energy is contagious. It can either uplift and inspire those around you or bring them down. That's why it's important to be mindful of the energy you're putting out into the world.

When you affirm that "My energy is contagious, uplifting and inspiring those around me" you're setting an intention to be a positive force in the lives of others. You're acknowledging that your energy has the power to impact those around you in a meaningful way.

Think about the people in your life who always seem to radiate positivity and joy. They're the ones who make you feel good just by being around them. They have a way of lifting your spirits and inspiring you to be your best self. That's the kind of energy you want to cultivate within yourself.

When you're feeling good and radiating positive energy, you're more likely to attract positive experiences and people into your life. You'll find that others are drawn to your energy and want to be around you. You'll become a magnet for good things.

But it's not just about attracting good things into your life. When you're uplifting and inspiring those around you, you're also making a positive impact on the world. You're contributing to the collective energy of the planet and making it a better place.

So, how can you cultivate this kind of energy within yourself? It starts with being mindful of your thoughts and emotions. When you notice yourself feeling negative or down, take a moment to pause and shift your focus to something positive. Practice gratitude and focus on the good things in your life.

You can also cultivate positive energy by doing things that bring you joy and fulfillment. When you're doing something you love, you're naturally radiating positive energy. And when you share that joy with others, you're uplifting and inspiring them as well.

Remember, your energy is contagious. When you affirm that "My energy is contagious, uplifting and inspiring those around me" you're setting an intention to be a positive force in the world. So, go out there and spread some positivity today!
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