Money comes to me from various sources and in abundance

Money comes to me from various sources and in abundance

Money comes to me from various sources and in abundance

Do you ever feel like you're struggling to make ends meet? Do you find yourself constantly worrying about money? It's a common feeling, but it doesn't have to be your reality. By changing your mindset and adopting positive affirmations, you can attract abundance into your life.

One powerful affirmation is "Money comes to me from various sources and in abundance". This statement is a reminder that money is not limited to one source and that there is an abundance of it available to you. By repeating this affirmation regularly, you can shift your focus from lack to abundance.

When you believe that money comes to you from various sources, you open yourself up to new opportunities. You may receive unexpected bonuses at work, find money on the street, or receive a gift from a friend. By being open to these possibilities, you allow abundance to flow into your life.

It's important to remember that abundance is not just about money. It's about having an abundance of love, joy, and happiness in your life. When you focus on abundance in all areas of your life, you attract more of it.

To fully embrace this affirmation, it's important to let go of any limiting beliefs you may have about money. Many people believe that money is hard to come by or that they don't deserve it. These beliefs can block the flow of abundance into your life. By letting go of these beliefs and adopting a positive mindset, you can attract abundance into your life.

Remember, the universe is abundant, and there is enough for everyone. By believing that money comes to you from various sources and in abundance, you open yourself up to new opportunities and allow abundance to flow into your life. So, repeat this affirmation regularly and watch as abundance begins to manifest in your life.
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